
World Ready (PSHE)

The World ready curriculum equips students with the guidance on skills they will need beyond the academy helping them be as prepared as possible for life in modern Britain and further afield.

The curriculum is a necessary part of a student’s education helping them gain a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. World Ready reflects the needs of our students within the local community and builds on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and the statutory guidance on drug education, financial education, relationship and sex education and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle. 

Sessions are studied age appropriately and follow a spiral curriculum whereby knowledge and skills are built on and referred to time after time ensuring that students secure the essential education. The curriculum provides students with opportunities to become the best version of themselves whilst allowing them to think about the wider world, stay safe in that world, how they will be successful, and signposting them to where they can look for guidance on issues that the curriculum does not always address. 

During World Ready, students are given time and space to be inspired, reflect and be challenged. They are encouraged to reflect on their lifestyle, their choices and their future and challenge themselves to become better learners, better individuals, and better young people. 

Students are asked to look at the world around them, the world that they will be asked to contribute to soon. They explore issues of relevance and importance, relationships, mental health, wellbeing, online safety and much more which will help them understand the transition from student to young adult, 

Students will consider their next stage of life in the context of the society, environment, and community they live in. Furthermore, they will contemplate the type of world they want to live in and the role they can play in making their local and global community a better and safer place.