
Jack Cooper

Jack Cooper attended Rye Hills School from 2007 to 2012 and thoroughly enjoyed his time here, leaving school with 12 and a 1/2 GCSEs, all grades A*- C.

After leaving school, Jack went on to study A Levels in History, Sociology and ICT at Prior Pursglove College from 2012-2014, gaining grades B, B and A* respectively.

Now Jack attends Newcastle University and is currently studying a BA (Hons) History and Sociology in a combined degree. He is due to graduate in 2017.

Jack said: "I am really enjoying gaining more depth and breadth of knowledge in my chosen subjects, and after this degree I am hoping to go on to study a Masters. My long term goal is to become a teacher."

We wish him luck in his future studies and hope he keeps us updated with his progress.