Exams info

Exam information

Here you will find key information about the GCSE exams, including key documents all students must read.

GCSE exam timetable 


Summer 2024 Exams – Contingency Days

The summer written exam period will run from Monday 6th May to Thursday 20th June 2024. However, for the summer 2024 exam series, one 'contingency' exam day and two afternoons have been arranged by the examination awarding bodies which all students need to be aware of. These contingency days for GCSE (or equivalent) examinations have been put in place 'in the event of widespread, sustained national or local disruption to examinations during the June 2024 examination series.'

The dates that have been set aside as the contingency days are:

Thursday 6th June and Thursday 13th June 2024 (afternoons only) 

Wednesday 26th June 2024 (all day). 

This means that all exam candidates must be available to sit exams from the date of their first exam until Wednesday 26th June 2024. This decision is not a school decision and applies to all candidates in all schools. 

Please can all students/parents/carers make a note of the new contingency exam dates in the event that an awarding body needs to invoke its contingency plan.

Click here for the GCSE Exams Timetable Summer 2024

Find exam instructions here.